Why Does My Hair Come Out Easily When I Pull It?


Hair is the crowning glory and is the central part of beauty. When you have hair fall, it can cause anxiety or even hopelessness. Voluminous and shiny hairs enhance a person's natural beauty, but the falling starts; this is a big reason to think. If you're missing certain nutrients, under stress, or struggling with another health issue, your hair may fall out easily when you pull on it. Many people think of their hair as a symbol of attractiveness. Depending on what is causing it, there are many distinct ways that hair loss can appear. It can affect only your scalp or the entire body, and it can start suddenly or gradually.

Causes of Hair Loss When You Touch It 

Let us look after several reasons why hair comes out easily when pulled. It may be health-related, low nutrition, or primarily due to stress and worries. Women's hair loss can occasionally run in families. Hereditary hair loss commonly presents itself between the ages of 18 and 24.

Let's discuss them in detail:

Fashion / Styling

Harsh chemical treatments make the hair strands weaker, and this causes severe hair fall. The ingredients behind hair fall are straightening, perming, blow-drying, hair dying, and even tight hairdos. Leave behind these habits and you will feel the change.


Frequent shampooing is also a leading cause of hair loss when running fingers through hair. Brushing your hair just after a shower also produces several hair strands to fall.

Health concerns

Menopause, pregnancy and birth, thyroid problems, and other hormonal issues are also responsible for hair loss.

Diet and nutrition

The deficiency of protein and iron mainly causes severe hair fall because when the body lacks certain nutrients, it may also affect your hair. A lack of essential nutrients is to blame.


We take medication due to illnesses like high blood pressure, cancer, heart conditions, arthritis, etc. This type of medication can result in hair shedding because of the high magnesium content. To overcome this, we should take supplements along with medications.


Trichotillomania is a disorder in which people have an irresistible urge to pull on their hair further than regular finger combing resulting in bald patches on the scalp and excessive hair loss.


Stress weakens the body's immune system to turn on itself and strike your hair follicles. Fears and depression can also slow hair growth, making hair more likely to fall out when brushed.

How Much Hair Loss Is Considered Normal?

Most people consider healthy hair to have plenty of volume and shine. When you see a clump of lost hair strands in the sink, you would naturally assume that there's a health issue causing this hair loss. However, some hair loss is average for everyone at any time of life. Typically, the hair that sheds is already disconnected from your scalp after you have thoroughly washed your hair in the shower.

But if you are experiencing bald patches and a handful of hair strands, you should consult a good physician or dermatologist to find out the root of the cause.

Sometimes the issue is because of our hair life cycle. Let us have a look at that also.

The life cycle of your hair

Hair growth is divided into three phases. This is how it works:

The growing phase (Anagen)

According to a review in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, most of your hair - between 90 and 95 percent - are in the anagen phase, which lasts 2 to 8 years.

The transitional phase (Catagen)

At this point, your hair growth stops and transitions to the final stage over a few weeks.

The end phase (Telogen)

The final stage is the endpoint for hair growth, with 5 to 10% of your hair residing in the resting stage, which lasts a few months.


Many variables can increase your risk of hair loss, such as:

  • Baldness on your mother's or father's side of the family

  • Significant loss of weight

  • Several medical disorders, including lupus and diabetes

  • Stress

  • Improper nutrition

Tips and Tricks to Save Your Hair

  • Analyze your diet first. Diet is crucial for maintaining good hair. Your hair problems could be limited by a lack of crucial vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients. Keep an appointment with your doctor or nutritionist as well.

  • Go for a toned, cozy haircut. Stop wearing a hairstyle that puts pressure on your hair follicles—braids, buns, and tight ponytails.

  • Avoid using heated hair styling tools like straighteners, blow dryers, and curlers too frequently because they can lead to strain and hair breakage.

  • Wear Lordhair wigs and hair extensions or fashionable hats and scarves to distract from your hair.

  • Request that your stylist keep track of your hair growth, but don't get too concerned.

  • Stress is the main reason for hair loss. Keep a positive, healthy mindset.

  • To detangle your hair, use a wide-toothed comb and avoid continuously running your fingers through it or tugging when you're bored.

  • A gentle shampoo with a conditioner after every wash is a good idea to save your hair.

The Solution Is Lordhair Wigs

Wearing a wig provides a complete head of hair that you can shape and style any way you like, which is a fantastic benefit of any Lordhair wig. A wig also provides excellent coverage, which can help you feel secure and confident knowing that your hair is as complete as it can be. 

Stock Human Hair Wigs for Women

If you're a stylish teenager, a working woman, or an elderly lady, Lordhair offers an extensive selection of natural-looking human hair wigs and hairpieces. 

Short, medium, and long stock wigs for women are all there so be sure to check out the selection of stock wigs for chic ladies from Lordhair to create that flawless look!

Wigs for Medical Purposes

According to cancer patients, hair loss during chemotherapy is among the most traumatic adverse effects. Lordhair medical wigs are specially designed with cancer patients in mind. Lordhair medical wigs are lightweight, natural, silky, and comfy for the sensitive skin of cancer patients and people suffering from alopecia.

Cancer patients, women suffering from alopecia or trichotillomania or anyone suffering from hair loss can instantly gain confidence by simply donning a wig and hiding their hair loss.